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Graphics Magazine is an online magazine devoted to news and information related to the fields of communication arts, graphic design, graphic arts and how graphics play a role in our everyday lives. Our mission is to present our readers with worthwile content that will both broaden their knowledge and enhance their understanding of the world of graphics.



  • News - Current news and information related to communication arts, graphics design and graphics in general.
  • Technology - Information about software and hardware that may have applications in communication arts, graphics design and graphics in general.
  • Tips – Helpful tips and tricks related to communication arts, graphics design and graphics in general.
  • Icons - Profiles of notable names in communication arts, graphics design and the world of graphic arts.
  • Company Vibe - Overviews of companies that are either directly involved in communication arts and graphic design or that make strong use of graphic design and imagery to promote their services.
  • Legacy - Profiles and biographies of notable names in the graphics and communications industry from the past.
  • Websurfer - Highlights of interesting websites related to the industry.
  • Behind the Logo - This section looks at company logos and branding and delves into the meaning behind the logo and the reasons why certain choices were made in it’s design. This is one of the most popular sections.
  • SNAP - Real world snapshots of impactful graphic design and design in general.